Cybersecurity Hiring Manager Handbook

Just as we create cybersecurity systems according to Design and Engineering Principles, the Handbook authors believed we should offer something similar to our audience of practitioners.

However, we realized that this work is too people-intensive to expect Principles to be practical. So, instead, we are offering a set of “Ideals”.

You should operate according to these Ideals as much as you practically can. But we know that’s not always possible. Sometimes you need to deviate from an Ideal in a particular case. Other times, you will only be able to operate ideally during exceptional circumstances.

We’ve kept these Ideals broad in description because there is so much variability from organization to organization.

Finally, we don’t expect that everyone will be able to uphold every Ideal every time. Rather, like us, we recognize you will strive to operate ideally as much as possible. In many cases, we describe less-than-ideal practices in this Handbook, but we call ourselves out when we do and challenge you to do better.




