Cybersecurity Hiring Manager Handbook

The Selection process

Rough outline for this section–please contribute

  1. Why you need to act quickly
  2. Creative ways to hire a candidate outside of your salary range
  3. Offering other benefits upfront that may entice a candidate
  4. Training, conference attendance, career progression, clear paths to advancement, etc.remote/telecommute capable
  5. Use of screening or security clearance


Character attribute grading scale matrix for candidate selection (credit for the content goes to the book “The Talent War” by Mike Sarraille, George Randal and Josh Cotton):

Attribute Description Scale (1 to 5)
Drive This is the need for achievement. An individual with high drive wants to be the best, has a desire to grow and push themselves, is willing to take risks, and often seeks out fresh achievements.  
Resiliency Someone with high resiliency bounces back from stress quickly, is adaptable, and is not easily discouraged. It’s essentially how people handle setbacks and persevere in the face of challenges.  
Adaptabilty This is the ability to adjust one’s behavior and actions according to what the situation requires.  
Humility Someone with appropriate humility recognizes that they do not have all the answers and that they aggregate intelligence and experience of everyone below and around them always far outweighs their own knowledge and experience.  
Integrity Someone with integrity understands what is legal and what is right and aligns their actions and words with both. Integrity is not optional.  
Effective Intelligence This is the ability “to solve problems when a “book solution” is not available” and to “learn and apply new skills to unusual problems by making sound and timely decisions”.  
Team-Ability Team-ability is an individual’s ability to function within a team, and it is a critical character attribute. A team emerges when the members have team-ability, can prioritize organizational needs ahead of oneself, and work as a cohesive unit with one purpose: winning.  
Curiosity Curiosity - exploring the unknown and questioning the status quo in pursuit of better, more effective solutions - is the key to innovation. Curious people understand that there’s always a better way of doing things, and they explore and experiment until they find it.  
Emotional Strength An emotionally strong individual has a positive attitude, high empathy, and emotional control in stressful situations. People who can remain cool, calm, and collected in the face of challenges and the unknown are people you want in your organization. The “ability to deal with ambiguous, dangerous, high pressure and/or frustrating events while maintaining control of emotion, actions, composure, and effectiveness”. Attitude is contagious. Positivity breeds positivity, while negativity begets more negativity.  

One approach to using the matrix is to have each member of the interview process rate each candidate individually and compare the scores of all the candidates after the interviews have been completed.